Day 22: Crab Combat



Represent a deck of cards.

Split(deck1, deck2)

Represent a split of one big deck of cards into two sub-decks.



Play a round of the game given the current split.


Parse the input lines into two decks, as list of cards.


Compute the score for the given deck based on its cards.


Play the game starting with the split until one of the players wins.

class Deck(cards: Sequence[int])[source]

Represent a deck of cards.

Please make sure that you transfer the “ownership” immediately to Deck and don’t modify the original list of strings any more:

# OK

deck = Deck([1, 2, 3])

# Not OK

cards = [1, 2, 3]
deck = Deck(cards)
# ... do something assuming ``deck`` is immutable ...

cards[0] = 2
# ERROR! cards[0] now breaks the invariant!



Initialize with the given values.


Get the card(s) at the given index.


Return the number of the cards in the deck.


Iterate through the cards in the deck.


Join two decks together.


Represent the deck for easier debugging.


Compare with other by cards.



Cards in the deck

__init__(cards: Sequence[int]) None[source]

Initialize with the given values.

  • len(set(cards)) == len(cards)

    (Unique cards)

  • all(card >= 0 for card in cards)

cards: Final[Sequence[int]]

Cards in the deck

__getitem__(index: int) int[source]
__getitem__(index: slice) Deck

Get the card(s) at the given index.

__len__() int[source]

Return the number of the cards in the deck.

__iter__() Iterator[int][source]

Iterate through the cards in the deck.

__add__(other: Deck) Deck[source]

Join two decks together.

  • (
            sum := list( +,
            len(set(sum)) == len(sum)

    (Unique cards after the addition)

__repr__() str[source]

Represent the deck for easier debugging.

__eq__(other: object) bool[source]

Compare with other by cards.

If other is not a Deck or List:, propagate to generic ``__eq__`.

class Split(deck1: Deck, deck2: Deck)[source]

Represent a split of one big deck of cards into two sub-decks.


__init__(deck1, deck2)

Initialize with the given values.



The deck for the player 1


The deck for the player 2

__init__(deck1: Deck, deck2: Deck) None[source]

Initialize with the given values.

  • not set(deck1).intersection(deck2)

    (No overlapping cards)

deck1: Final[Deck]

The deck for the player 1

deck2: Final[Deck]

The deck for the player 2

play_a_round(split: Split) Split[source]

Play a round of the game given the current split.


A new split after the round

  • len(split.deck2) > 0

    (Not game over for player 2)

  • len(split.deck1) > 0

    (Not game over for player 1)

  • (
            len(split.deck1) == len(result.deck1) + 1
            and len(split.deck2) == len(result.deck2) - 1)
    or (
            len(split.deck1) == len(result.deck1) - 1
            and len(split.deck2) == len(result.deck2) + 1)

    (Either lost or won two cards)

  • split.deck2[1:] == result.deck2[0:len(split.deck2) - 1]

    (Only the prefix and the suffix of the deck 2 change)

  • split.deck1[1:] == result.deck1[0:len(split.deck1) - 1]

    (Only the prefix and the suffix of the deck 1 change)

  • set(split.deck1).union(split.deck2) == set(result.deck1).union(result.deck2)

    (No new cards)

parse_lines(lines: List[str]) Tuple[List[int], List[int]][source]

Parse the input lines into two decks, as list of cards.

  • len(lines) > 3

  • lines[0] == 'Player 1:'

  • 'Player 2:' in lines[1:]

  • all(
        re.match(r'^(Player 1:|Player 2:|0|[1-9][0-9]*|)\Z', line)
        for line in lines
compute_score(deck: Deck) int[source]

Compute the score for the given deck based on its cards.

  • result >= 0

play(split: Split) Split[source]

Play the game starting with the split until one of the players wins.

  • len(split.deck2) > 0

    (Not game over for player 2)

  • len(split.deck1) > 0

    (Not game over for player 1)

  • set(split.deck1).union(split.deck2) == set(result.deck1).union(result.deck2)

  • (
            len(split.deck1) + len(split.deck2) == len(result.deck1)
            and len(result.deck2) == 0
    or (
            len(result.deck1) == 0
            and len(split.deck1) + len(split.deck2) == len(result.deck2)