Problem 1

Parse the time in Swiss german.

The time t is given in hh:mm (hh for hours, mm for minutes). Translate it to Swiss german.

The “Swiss time” goes only from 1 to 12, but different periods of the day are indicated (“znacht”, “am morge” etc.). Here’s the pattern:

00:00 -> 12i znacht
01:45 -> viertel vor 2 znacht
09:25 -> 5 vor halbi 10i am morge
12:01 -> 1 ab 12i am mittag
16:46 -> 14 vor 5i am namittag
21:51 -> 9 vor 10i am abig
22:37 -> 7 ab halbi 11i znacht

The period of day is determined as follows:

  • “Am morge” is after 6am and before 12pm.

  • 12pm is “mittag”.

  • “Namittag” is till 6pm.

  • “Abig” goes till 10pm.

  • The remainder of the day is “znacht”.

If the number of minutes (mm) is greater-equal 25, the hours are incremented by 1 (“5 vor halbi 10i”).

If there are less than 25 minutes, you say “ab”, but otherwise “vor”. Between the minutes 25 and 39, you say “vor halbi” or “ab halbi”. If it is exactly 15, 30 or 45, you say “viertel ab”, “halbi” or “viertel vor”, respectively.

For the hours after 3, you need to put a suffix “i” (“viertel vor 2”, but “1 ab 12i”).


time_in_swiss_german(hour, minute)

Translate the given time of the day into Swiss german.

time_in_swiss_german(hour: int, minute: int) str[source]

Translate the given time of the day into Swiss german.

  • 0 <= minute < 60

  • 0 <= hour < 23