Problem 2

List all the sub-sequences of length n contained in a string s.

You obtain a sub-sequence by “erasing” the characters in s.

For example, here are all the sub-sequences with n = 2 of "apple":



is_subsequence(subtext, text)

Check if the subtext is a subsequence of text.

list_subsequences(text, length)

List all subsequences of size length in text.

is_subsequence(subtext: str, text: str) bool[source]

Check if the subtext is a subsequence of text.

>>> is_subsequence('pe', 'apple')
>>> is_subsequence('ep', 'apple')
  • len(subtext) <= len(text)

list_subsequences(text: str, length: int) Set[str][source]

List all subsequences of size length in text.

>>> sorted(list_subsequences("apple", 2))
['ae', 'al', 'ap', 'le', 'pe', 'pl', 'pp']
  • 0 <= length <= len(text)

  • not (
        length > 0 and len(text) > 0 and len(set(text)) == len(text)
    or len(result) == math.comb(len(text), length)

    (If all the characters are unique, the number of substrings equals the count of binary sequences len(text) long with length bits set)

  • all(is_subsequence(item, text) for item in result)

  • all(len(item) == length for item in result)